As only HRIS fields have been supported earlier by EC System.
Additionally MDF fields such as Global Benefits which are also referred via HRIS entities like compensation, job Info are also supported now. In other words we can generate the document related to users' Benefit data.
"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."
Employee Central -- Global benefits
Reproducing the Issue
Go to admin cener --> Document Generation Template
Select "Create New Template" as below (sample)
Next, navigate to admin center --> Document generation -- Manage document template mapping
Here we need to select the Benefit enrollment object to fetch details for the users' benefit. After saving this we can generate the document for the user.
Navigate to admin center - Generate Document
Genereating document:
Generated PDF document:
hence way, we can generate the document for Benefit object.
generated document benefit docuemnt gneration global benefits , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-DOC , Document Generation , Problem