Customer have for chech language a time/date pattern in the frontend where the display on short months in front UI and admin UI comes in Roman Number like example "24/IV/2016".
- SuccessFactors Learming Management System (LMS)
Reproducing the Issue
We have a Workaround for the wrong date pattern "24/XI/2016 if we use the date pattern with 24/11/2016 and reimport the user records to update their locale preferences.
The issue is, that we need to change the date pattern to "24/Nov/2016" - System pattern configuration for that is: d/MMM/yyyy
The Point as stated is, that this leads to "24/XI/2016"
The short month comes as roman characters for Czech locale and this is a standard Java feature. After some research, we could see that d/MMM/yyyy is not a standard Czech date format and They do not have a standard short month format.
We suggest to use the d/MMMM/yyyy format, which will display the complete month name.
Unfortunately there is no provision in LMS now to override this standard Java feature and display the date as "24/Nov/2016". We may take it up as an enhancement, please find attach how to submit this as enhancement request to product management in order to be reviewed and see if it can be deploy in future releases.
- CZECH Language pack issue
- Dates come out in Roman numbers
- Short month issue due the java library
- date java library issue