All the mapping conventions for Dependent, Work Permit, Emergency Contact and National-ID. These are multi-variant entities and follow a similar pattern.
- SuccessFactors - Employee Central
- Integration
1. Mapping for National ID
We are going to support two scenarios:
1. Multi-value National ID mapping
2. Single-value National ID mapping
1.1 For Multi-value mapping, "[index]" is required, following is a sample mapping:
<source multi-valued="true" refid="DashedSSN"/>
<target variant="" refid="nationalIdCard.[1].national-id"/>
<source multi-valued="true" refid="NationalIDTypeDrop"/>
<target variant="" refid="nationalIdCard.[1].card-type"/>
<source multi-valued="true" refid="NationalIdCountry"/>
<target variant="" refid="nationalIdCard.[1].country"/>
<source multi-valued="true" refid="NationalIdIsPrimary"/>
<target variant="" refid="nationalIdCard.[1].isPrimary"/>
<source multi-valued="true" refid="DashedSSN"/>
<target variant="" refid="nationalIdCard.[2].national-id"/>
<source multi-valued="true" refid="NationalIDTypeDrop"/>
<target variant="" refid="nationalIdCard.[2].card-type"/>
<source multi-valued="true" refid="NationalIdCountry"/>
<target variant="" refid="nationalIdCard.[2].country"/>
<source multi-valued="true" refid="NationalIdIsPrimary"/>
<target variant="" refid="nationalIdCard.[2].isPrimary"/>
** Multiple national-id entries should be allowed
** National Id entries from multiple countries should be supported for same person.
1) The first word should be valid hris element name for National Id Card defined in SDM like "nationalIdCard". Else error should be thrown.
2) If "[" isnt before "]", error should be logged.
3) The index between square brackets should follow ascending order starting with 1, otherwise error should be thrown
4) After "]." a valid hrisField should be specified. Else, Error should be thrown.
1.2. For Single-value mapping, target key should only has two levels, no "[index]".
<source multi-valued="false" refid="DashedSSN"/>
<target variant="" refid="nationalIdCard.national-id"/>
<source multi-valued="false" refid="NationalIDTypeDrop"/>
<target variant="" refid="nationalIdCard.card-type"/>
<source multi-valued="false" refid="NationalIdCountry"/>
<target variant="" refid=""/>
<source multi-valued="false" refid="NationalIdIsPrimary"/>
<target variant="" refid="nationalIdCard.isPrimary"/>
1) If there are only two levels in the target key, the first word should be valid hris element name for National Id Card defined in SDM like "nationalIdCard". Else error should be thrown.
2) After ".", the second level word should be a valid hrisField. Else, Error should be thrown.
Sample RCM2EC Mapping for National ID
1.For Multi-value mapping:
<source refid="country" entity-type="application"/>
<target refid="nationalIdCard.[1].country" />
2.For Single-value mapping:
<source refid="country" entity-type="application"/>
<target refid="" />
Same Validations as ONB2EC
2. Mappings for Dependent Info
1) Person relationship keys
<source refid="relationshipType" entity-type="application"/>
<target refid="dependentInfo.[#].personRelationshipInfo.relationship-type" />
<source refid="beneficiary" entity-type="application"/>
<target refid="dependentInfo.[#].personRelationshipInfo.isBeneficiary" />
2) Personal Info
<source refid="firstName" entity-type="application"/>
<target refid="dependentInfo.[#].personalInfo.first-name" />
3) Biographical Info
<source refid="dateOfBirth" entity-type="application"/>
<target refid="dependentInfo.[#]" />
4) Address Info
<source refid="state" entity-type="jobRequisition"/>
<target refid="dependentInfo.[#].homeAddress.state.home" />
5) Global Info
<source refid="state" entity-type="jobRequisition"/>
<target refid="dependentInfo.[#].globalInfo.[USA].genericString1 | globalInfo.[GBR].genericString1" />
1) The first word should be "dependentInfo"
2) If "[" isnt before "]", error should be logged.
3) The dependent number between square brackets should follow ascending order starting with 1. If order is missing error should be logged.
4) After "]." a valid hrisElement should be specified. Else, Error should be thrown.
5) After hrisElement., a vlid hrisField should be specified. Else error should be thrown.
3 Mapping for Emergency Contact
<source refid="relationshipType" entity-type="application"/>
<target refid="emergencyContactPrimary.[1].relationShipType" />
<source refid="email" entity-type="application"/>
<target refid="emergencyContactPrimary.[1].email" />
<source refid="phone" entity-type="application"/>
<target refid="emergencyContactPrimary.[1].phone" />
<source refid="isPrimary" entity-type="application"/>
<target refid="emergencyContactPrimary.[1].isPrimary" />
<source refid="state" entity-type="jobRequisition"/>
<target refid="emergencyContactPrimary.[1].homeAddress.state.home" />
1) The first word should be valid hris element name for primary emergency contact defined in SDM like "primaryEmergencyContact" else error should be thrown.
2) If "[" isnt before "]", error should be logged.
3) The emergency contact number between square brackets should follow ascending order starting with 1. error should be thrown
4) After "]." a valid hrisField should be specified. Else, Error should be thrown.
1.4 Mapping for WorkPermit
<source refid="country" entity-type="application"/>
<target refid="workPermitInfo.[1].country" />
<source refid="custom-string1" entity-type="application"/>
<target refid="workPermitInfo.[1].documentType" />
<source refid="documentNumber" entity-type="application"/>
<target refid="workPermitInfo.[1].documentNumber" />
<source refid="documentTitle" entity-type="application"/>
<target refid="workPermitInfo.[1].documentTitle" />
** Multiple work permit entries should be allowed
** Work permit entries from multiple countries should be supported for same person.
1) The first word should be valid hris element name for work permit defined in SDM like "workPermitInfo". Else error should be thrown.
2) If "[" isnt before "]", error should be logged.
3) The index between square brackets should follow ascending order starting with 1, otherwise error should be thrown
4) After "]." a valid hrisField should be specified. Else, Error should be thrown.
KBA , LOD-SF-EC-INT , Manage Pending Hires (Integration RCM/ ONB/ OBX + UI) , LOD-SF-OBD , Onboarding , How To