SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2385888 - How to collect HTTP(s) trace for Analysis using Fiddler


Analysis for Office (AO) utilizes the HTTP(s) protocol to communicate with SAP HANA, SAC, DWC or SAP BI Platform.

This article describes how to use Fiddler to collect HTTP and HTTPS traces for the analysis of an issue in AO.


SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office


Follow steps below to collect HTTP/HTTPS logs:

  1. Visit the web page

  2. Download and install Fiddler4 (built for .NET 4)

  3. In order to capture HTTPS (secure / SSL) traffic, the following steps must be performed (only in the first time using Fiddler), otherwise the tool will not capture any of the requests/responses

    • Open Fiddler -> Tools > Options > HTTPS

    • Ensure 'Capture HTTPS CONNECTs' and 'Decrypt HTTPS traffic' are selected and click on "Trust Root Certificate"

      Fiddler trust.png

    • Continue next screens until getting the dialog below:

      Fiddler certificate added.png

    • Click OK in this dialog and OK in the previous dialog.

    • Close Fiddler

  4. Close all the open applications (to avoid capturing irrelevant information)

  5. Open AO

  6. Open Fiddler

  7. Click on "Any Process", drag and drop in Excel to make sure Fiddler is only capturing Excel.

    Fiddler select process.png

    Fiddler drag and drop.png

  8. Reproduce the issue

  9. After reproducing the issue, go back to Fiddler, click on File menu and de-select "Capture Traffic"

  10. Go to File menu > Save > All Sessions

  11. Name the Fiddler session and save the file (with a .SAZ extension)

  12. Zip the Fiddler trace file (.SAZ file) and send to SAP


When capturing HTTPS traffic, the Fiddler trace should contain the relevant entries in the "Host" column, instead of only showing "Tunnel to". Below is an example of a Fiddler trace that did not capture the HTTPS traffic:

Fiddler no capture.png

If this is the case:

  • Make sure the instructions of step #3 were followed to capture HTTPS traffic;
  • Confirm that the certificate is there in the machine as shown below:

    Certificate 2.png


See Also

  • What is the Fiddler Tool?
  • 2298764 - Reproducing and tracing a sequence of BICS InA requests
  • 2280022 - How to collect a HTTP archive (HAR) file (Chrome developer tools network trace) in SAP Analytics Cloud 


Fiddler, ao, add in, HTTP, HTTPS, capture, traffic, sniff, network, trace , KBA , BI-RA-AO-XLA , Excel Addin , How To


SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office all versions