The TYPELOAD_NEW_VERSION runtime error occurs.
In the ST22 dump log, the following can be seen:
A newer version of data type "TXXX" was found than one required
Data type............................: "XXXX"
Time stamp of requested version......: 20140414193330
Time stamp of found version..........: 20160309162900
The request was made from the following object:
Object type..........................: "Type"
Object name..........................: "XXXX"
Time stamp of requesting object......: 20160309154319
ABAP System
TYPELOAD_NEW_VERSION , Touch, TYPELOADS, PXA, SYNC, SGEN, DDIC, TYPE, Load, program buffer, generation, MISMATCH , KBA , BC-ABA-LA , Syntax, Compiler, Runtime , BC-DWB-DIC-AC , ABAP Dictionary Activation and Conversion , Problem
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