A Shared calculated column over Supervisor Information is returning Employee Information instead
- SuccessFactors HXM Suite
- Advanced Reporting
Reproducing the Issue
When using a Shared Calculated to dispolay Supervisor Information, the systen return the Employee Information instead.
Steps to reproduce the issue:
Step 1 : Create a Query adding the following fields:
- Personal Information : First Name, Last Name and Person ID (or other columns under Personal or Global Information table)
- Supervisor Information : Supervisor Name, Supervisor Last Name and Supervisor Person ID (or other columns under Supervisor table)
Step 2: Create a Calculated column on Supervisor Information:
Formula (SAMPLE): Value: Supervisor Peron ID - Supervisor First Name - Supervisor Last Name
Now share the calculated column to be used in other query.
Steps 3: Add Calculated Column to the current query:
Result : The Supervisor Information is shown as expected.
Step 4 : Create new Query with the same tables
Add the shared calculated column/ see the result below, the Empoloyee Information is displayed in the Supervisor Information.
Now Edit the Calculated Column / The Formula has changed to : Value = Person Id - Frist Name- Last Name (SAMPLE)
Issue has been identified, the Shared calculated column over Supervisor Information is returning the Employee Information
This is the expected behavior when a calculated column is used on a different query. For using the same calculated column, please perform the following steps:
- Duplicate the report that contains the original calculated column
- Ajust it to the needs the duplicated report to meet the request
This will make ensure the same objects are being used on the query, and will avoid the calculation to break.
calculated column, shared calculated column, wrong value for shared calculated column, advanced reporting, supervisor calculated column , KBA , LOD-SF-ANA-ADV , Advanced Reporting (ODS) , Problem