- group and role mapping problems have been reported in all 3 primary authentication plugins SAP, LDAP, and Windows AD
- These problems include the following behaviors...
- mapped users not showing up in the user list or groups/roles they are mapped in
- groups being deleted from the CMC but orphaned users remain in the userlist
- Users experiencing any kind of permissions issue because the permissions attributed to the groups / roles they belong to are not being propogated
- User logon issues both failing logon, or not having the proper rights after logon
- These problems can start at any time and may resolve themselves just as quickly without notice
- In some cases the problem seems to be consistent and doesn't resolve with work arounds listed in resolution
- SIA restarts resolve most of the above behavior but on occassions it's been reported they don't resolve or the behavior returns immediately
- CMS logs are not showing any errors when problems occur but often repeated in the logs is a message similar to...
CSecPluginMgr::UserReloadThread::Update3rdPartyGroupUserDescription: userAlias: secLDAP secWinAD secSAPr3 :cn="substitute user DN here" aliasToId: 0‑
CSecPluginMgr::UserReloadThread::Update3rdPartyGroupUserDescription: skipping the update of secLDAP secWinAD secSAPr3:cn="substitute user DN here"
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.2 SP3 including patch 1 and 2 (note the issue could appear elseware but so far has only been seen on 4.2 SP3)
ikba ikb missing users dissapear losing not adding deleting schedule update not working alias zie biauth winad synch out of updating user import , KBA , wakba , plugin , plug-in , directory , active , emkba , biauth , BI-BIP-AUT , Authentication, ActiveDirectory, LDAP, SSO, Vintela , Problem
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