SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2388271 - Transport objects from package XXXX to target YYY only


When you release a transport request via T-code SE01 or SE09/SE10, you get the following message.


Not all objects in the request could be locked.
Do you want to release them anyway?


After you click button "Yes", you get the following message.


Message no. TK306 "Transport objects from package XXXX to target YYY only" occurred.


The Workbench request xxxxxxxx has the target  ZZZ. However, the transport routes are configured in your SAP System such that objects from package XXXX with Workbench requests from this SAP System can only be transported to the target YYY.
You have the following options:

Change the target of the change request to YYY.
If you want to transport objects from package XXXX once to the SAP System  without changing the configuration of the transport routes, then proceed as follows:
a) Create a transport of copies in the extended view of the Transport Organizer (Transaction SE01).
b) To include the required objects in the request, choose Request/task -> Object list -> Include objects... in the request overview.

If you want objects from package XXXX to be transported to the target generally, contact your transport administrator. In this case, the configuration of the transport routes needs to be corrected with the Transport Management System (TMS). For details, refer to the documentation on the Transport Management System.




ABAP System, Release independent.


TK306,transport route, package, development class, target system , KBA , BC-CTS-ORG , Workbench/Customizing Organizer , BC-CTS-TMS , Transport Management System , Problem

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