When running the configuration step "Setup Extractor Framework" in the Basic Configuration of a SOLMAN system, you receive RFC error below:
RFC_ERROR_PROGRAM: Parameter password * is missing |
Note: This particular issue may also arise for other JCO RFCs.
SAP Solution Manager 7.2
Use RFC Destination, WEBADMIN, JCO, SOLMAN, RFC, RFC_ERROR_PROGRAM, Parameter password * is missing, JCO, Java connector, J co, JRFC, webadmin, web admin, webadm, JCO server, extractor framework, repository configuration, JCO RFC Provider, JCO Server Configuration, solution manager, solman, sol man, use rfc destination, , KBA , BC-MID-CON-JCO , Java-Connector , SV-SMG-DIA-SRV-EFW , Extractor Framework , Problem
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