After an upgrade to version 10.1, during editing or datalinking of documents a macro error is generated as follows:
LoadBriefingBookExceptionError; ErrorType; 2016 - Report/Period/datacache (xlsx); This document contains macros (VBA project) and you are attempting to save it in a Macro-Free format. Such document will be invalid if created. You need to either save it in a Macro-Enabled format (.DOCM or .DOTM) or remove macros before saving using the Document.RemoveMacros method.; LoadBriefingBooks; 9b72be67-015a-44bf-8dbe-290b24451bca; ; WarningType; True;
SAP Disclosure Management 10.1
Macro, BIP_WordTableDef, briefingbook, VBA project, Macro-Free format, (.DOCM or .DOTM) , KBA , dm , installation, upgrades and migration , reporting , troubleshooting , EPM-DSM-GEN , DM core functionalities , Problem
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