You wish to know if data/values from a particular field in Successfactors can be retrieved via Integration Center.
Reproducing the Issue
This is for implementation purposes and to extract data from SF via API.
Integration center is based on Odata API and therefore you would be able to create reports based on the availability of fields as per the Odata API data dictionary.
Therefore, please check Odata Api data dictionary -> expand entity such as "EmpJob" and see if it helps.
Navigation: Admin Center -> Odata API data dictionary
Custom MDF fields if created, please perform a metadata refresh as per the KBA 2171588 so that the Odata API data dictionary is updated accordingly.
If a particular field or fields are not exposed via odata api, you wouldnt be able to utilize it in integration center.
See Also
If this doesnt suit your requirement and if you wish Integration center or Odata API had more fields from a particular module, we recommend you post your enhancement idea in our community portal.
Please follow KBA for the same # 2280285.
KBA , LOD-SF-INT-INC , Integration Center , How To