- At the DSPB, you create a Planned Order with a finite Scheduling Mode (Find Slot, Insert Operation)
- There are empty slots in the involved resources, but the Planned Order is unexpectedly moved far into the future
- If you switch to Infinite Scheduling, the order is created in the desired date
- In the Resource Utilization chart, you notice that the Resource is overloaded or 100% used, even though there are no activities scheduled at the time
- The overload can also be seen in the Resource Utilization report, transaction /SAPAPO/CDPS_REPT
- You reschedule an order or activity into an empty slot in the Resource with a finite Scheduling Mode
- The operation is not rescheduled to the desired point in time and scheduling ends with errors, even though no activity or pegging relationships were violated
- Further, if you switch to Infinite Scheduling, the activity can be scheduled in the empty gap
- SAP Supply Chain Managment Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling (SCM-APO-PPS)
SAP ERP, add-on for embedded production planning and detailed scheduling all versions ; SAP Supply Chain Management all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP Supply Chain Management all versions
/SAPAPO/OM_ORDER_CHANGE, /SAPAPO/OM_ACT_SCHEDULE, Find Slot, Insert Operation, /SAPAPO/CDPS0, /SAPAPO/CDPS1, /SAPAPO/CDPS2, /SAPAPO/CDPS3, /SAPAPO/CDPS_REPT, COVERS_NEXT, cover flag , KBA , SCM-APO-PPS-SCF , Scheduling Functions , SCM-APO-PPS , Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling , SCM-APO-PPS-DST-FCT , Scheduling Functions Detailed Scheduling Planning Board , Problem
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