During initial load or request load, there is dump TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED.
The keywords are as below.
"SAPLCRM0" bzw. LCRM0U72
The dump happens in:
304 ELSE.
305 IF gt_struct_char_info-charflag IS INITIAL.
306 * prepare for XML
307 lt_bapimtcs_xml = t_bapistructures.
>>>>> APPEND lt_bapimtcs_xml.
309 DELETE t_bapistructures.
310 ENDIF.
311 * for charflag do nothing
312 ENDIF.
- SAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- SAP enhancement package for SAP CRM
- SAP enhancement package for SAP CRM, version for SAP HANA
CRMRFCPAR, send xml, SEND_XML, mixed mode, Resource Shortage, R3AS, R3AR4, R3AR2. , KBA , CRM-MW-ADP , Middleware Adapter , CRM-MW , Middleware , CRM-MD-BP-IF , Data Exchange CRM Online <-> R/3 , CRM-MD-PRO-IF , Data Exchange , Problem
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