This is reprodeced issue on only IQ16 SP11.03.
After loaded data, 'Select ... Into ...' to temporary table faced error 'hos_date.cxx:54115'.
It seems this problem is related to either incorrect meta data creation on objects or query processing error in only SP11.03 version.
Followoings are findings in my tracing tests.
- After loaded data, any DBCC reported 'No Error detected'.
Also sp_iqcheckfpconsistency returned 'No Errors Detected'.
- Customer's origin query met error 'hos_date.cxx'.
But some changed queries worked well without error. See 'Repro_No_Error.sql'.
- After completed sp_iqrebuildindex on all columns on the table, the error still happened.
- Only reproduced on SP11.03, but same test worked well in SP11 or SP11.04.
Syas again, after loaded same data to SP11.04, the 'select...'into...' query worked well
without any error.
(Customer wonders that it's resolved on sp11.04 or it'll be no error temporary.)
Error =>
I. 11/25 14:42:16. 0000000041 Txn 108220 0 108220
I. 11/25 14:42:18. 0000000041 [20897]: 1000000 Rows, 1 Seconds
I. 11/25 14:42:19. 0000000041 [20897]: 2000000 Rows, 1 Seconds
I. 11/25 14:42:20. 0000000041 [20897]: 3000000 Rows, 1 Seconds
I. 11/25 14:42:20. 0000000041 Exception Thrown from oslib/hos_date.cxx:54115, Err# 1, tid 298 origtid 298
I. 11/25 14:42:20. 0000000041 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 527 (hos_dateexception); SQLCode: -1006167, SQLState: 'QBB67', Severity: 14
I. 11/25 14:42:20. 0000000041 [20405]: DateTime is invalid (0)
-- (oslib/hos_date.cxx 54115)
I. 11/25 14:42:20. 0000000041 Exception Thrown from oslib/hos_date.cxx:54115, Err# 1, tid 4 origtid 298
I. 11/25 14:42:20. 0000000041 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 527 (hos_dateexception); SQLCode: -1006167, SQLState: 'QBB67', Severity: 14
I. 11/25 14:42:20. 0000000041 [20405]: DateTime is invalid (0)
-- (oslib/hos_date.cxx 54115)
I. 11/25 14:42:21. 0000000041 [20897]: 4000000 Rows, 1 Seconds
I. 11/25 14:42:30. 0000000000 Cancellation request received: SA connHandle: ...
SAP IQ16 SP11.03 Only
"hos_date.cxx" ; "DateTime is invalid" ; , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed
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