- When using the search bar in Japanese or Chinese language and inputting 1 character into the Action Search bar or Company Info results are being displayed. When changing the language to English and typing in 1 character no results are displayed.
SAP SuccessFactors HXM Core
Reproducing the Issue
- Login to instance
- Change language from Japanese or Chinese to English
- Type 1 character into the search bar
- No results are displayed
Certain languages like Japanese and Chinese have 1-character names.
1. Action/People Search in the Header:
- Normally, it takes 2 characters to be entered in the search box before a search will be triggered. This is for performance reasons, where allowing less than 2 characters can cause the backend system resources to be unnecessarily taxed.
- However, It is by-design that when the user is using a particular language like Japanese or Chinese (as configured in Options > Change Language) that the Action/People Search in the header will allow a single character to trigger the search, rather than 2 characters. The reason for this is because certain languages like Japanese and Chinese have 1-character names.
- Similarly to item 1.1, it takes 2 characters to be entered in the search box before a search will be triggered.
- Unlike item 1.2, the Org Chart People Search does not allow 1-character searching when the user is using a particular language like Japanese or Chinese. Furthermore, it is more of a performance concern to have the Org Chart People Search allow 1-character searching compared to the Header's Action/People Search. The reason why is because the latter makes use of a full-text search capability, whereas the former does a direct DB search. Therefore, for performance reasons, we may not allow be able to allow 1-character searching when the user is using a language like Japanese or Chinese.
- A work-around to 2.2 is for the Japanese user to use the Header's Action/People Search of 1.2 to locate the employee – using a 1-charcter search – and then from the employee's Quickcard that can be brought up from the Action/People Search, select the "Org Chart" link, so that the Company Info | Org Chart page will be brought up for the particular employee.
See Also
Company Info, Action Search, character, no results, displayed, people search, search , KBA , LOD-SF-PLT-SRH , Search , LOD-SF-PLT , Platform Foundational Capabilities , Problem
SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core all versions