- After attempting to upgrade by load and online a database, receive the following error message
2133117Database 'dbname': beginning upgrade step [ID 80]: creating index (table sysattributes, index csysattributes)
SQL Server Error on (TestASE) Error:1902 at Line:1 Message:Cannot create more than one clustered index on table 'sysattributes'. Drop the existing clustered index '' before creating another
DB-Library Error:20018 Severity:5 Message:General server error: Check messages from the server.
SQL Server Error on (TestASE) Error:3469 at Line:1 Message:Database 'dbname': upgrade failed to create index 3 on table 'csysattributes'. Please refer to previous error messages to determine the problem. Fix the problem, then try again.
SQL Server Error on (TestASE) Error:3461 at Line:1 Message:Database 'dbname': upgrade could not install required upgrade item '80'. Please refer to previous error messages to determine the problem. Fix the problem, then try again.
SQL Server Error on (TestASE) Error:3452 at Line:1 Message:Database 'dbname': upgrade item 1650 depends on item 80, which could not be installed. Please refer to previous messages for the cause of the failure, correct the problem and try again.
SQL Server Error on (TestASE) Error:3451 at Line:1 Message:Database 'dbname': upgrade has failed for this database. Please refer to previous messages for the cause of the failure, correct the problem and try again.
SQL Server Error on (TestASE) Error:3454 at Line:1 Message:Database 'dbname': ASE could not completely upgrade this database; upgrade item 1650 could not be installed.
ASE could not completely upgrade database 'dbname', but the database was online when upgrade began, so it will be left online.
DB-Library Error:20018 Severity:5 Message:General server error: Check messages from the server.
- Attempting to fix the database as suggested by KBA 2033795 does not work
- Attempting to upgrade to later patches as suggested by KBAs such as 1964255, 2111076, or 2133117 do not work.
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0
KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem
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