- It is not possible to jump from a BEX BW query to an ERP/ECC system directly without getting requested to enter the login credentials.
- The same behavior can be observed the other way around.
rri, report to report interface, BW, Business Warehouse, SSO logon issues, logon error with RRI, login error with RRI, using RRI logon does not work as expected, using RRI logon does not work as stated, using RRI logon does not work as specified, unable to use single sign on using RRI, single sign on with RRI, jump query fails, jump logon issues, jump query logon error, jump query login issues, jump login issues, excel jump logon issues, web jump query error, web jump query issues, excel jump logon error, SSO, Single Sign-On, Kerberos , KBA , BW-BEX-OT-RRI , BW Query Jump Targets (Report to Report Interface) , BW-BEX-OT , OLAP Technology , BW-BEX-ET , Enduser Technology , BW-BEX-ET-WJR , BEx Web Java Runtime , BI-RA-AO-XLA , Excel Addin , BW-PLA , Planning , Problem
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