- The theme fallback mechanism checks if a theme can be applied to an application and selects a fallback theme if the specified theme is not valid.
- Whether a given theme is supported by an application depends on the underlying UI technology and its version. The theme fallback mechanism automatically detects a valid theme for an application. A default fallback chain of SAP standard themes is used by the fallback mechanism. In addition, you can define a chain of custom themes as fallback themes. Refer to Theme Fallback .
- You would like to define/create a fallback portal theme using UI Theme Designer in a new LESS mode structure Portal, which could be used later in a circumstance of current theme is not valid for application to be rendered for example.
- This KBA introduces you with the detail steps of how to create fallback theme in detail.
- Enterprise Portal
- NetWeaver AS Java
SAP NetWeaver 7.3 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.4 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5 ; SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.3
fallback, fallback theme, custom theme, UI Theme Designer, LESS , KBA , EP-PIN-TOL-UTD , UI Theme Designer in Portal & new theme structure issues , How To
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