- How to recover a delta load for ODP Extractor in Data Services
- The dataflow completed successfully but the job did not. Data flow loaded the Extractor data into an intermediate staging table and the next dataflow reading the data failed
- The dataflow completed successfully but there has been a problem with the logic
- The data flow get the delta but the data did not end up entirely in the target
- Error occurs in DS side:
ODP source returned error: <E: MESSAGE - Invalid Entry :TSN_REQ>TSN_CONF-NOT_REALTIME {2020-03-01 07:30:10 000144 CET} > {2020-03-01 07:20:03 000021 CET}.
- SAP Data Services 4.x
- SAP Cloud Integration for data services
- ODP source system
SAP Data Services 4.2
BODS, ODP, Recover, delta, fail, No extraction exists prior to the recovery date , KBA , EIM-DS-SAP , SAP Interfaces , LOD-HCI-DS , HANA Cloud Integration for Data Services , How To
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