Error "The command 'tp' from tool 'tp' could not be executed successfully" happens in the upgrade phase TOOLVERSXML_FEATURES_R3LD_TP_EXTRACT in SUM.
Error message with the following pattern can be found in the log file tp_exe.out.
EXECUTING <SUM folder>/abap/exe/tp GETCAPABILITIES <SID> pf= <SUM folder>/abap/var/TOOLVERS.TPP
This is tp version <TP version> (release <TP release>, unicode enabled)
ERROR: Connect to <SID> failed (<Time stamp>, probably wrong environment).
TRACE-INFO: 1: [ dev trc,00000] <Time stamp>
TRACE-INFO: 2: [ dev trc,00000] DlLoadLib() success: dlopen("<SUM folder>/abap/exe/"), hdl 0, count 1, addr 2416fa0
TRACE-INFO: 3: [ dev trc,00000] -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=47=DBSL_CMD_IMP_FUNS_SET) -> changed=30, tagset=1
TRACE-INFO: 4: [ dev trc,00000] -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=39=DBSL_CMD_SET_SINGLETASK)
TRACE-INFO: 5: [ dev trc,00000] -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=10=DBSL_CMD_DBCA_PTR_GET)
TRACE-INFO: 6: [ dev trc,00000] -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=10=DBSL_CMD_DBCA_PTR_GET)
TRACE-INFO: 7: [dbsloci.c ,00000] *** ERROR => DbSlConnect(DBSL_DEFAULT_CON_INFO): invalid connect method (civ=-1)
TRACE-INFO: 8: [ dev trc,00000] DbSlConnect(con=-1) -> orc=0, rc=18=DBSL_ERR_CONNECT
tp returncode summary:
TOOLS: Highest return code of single steps was: 0
ERRORS: Highest tp internal error was: 0232
tp finished with return code: 232
SAP ABAP System Upgrade with SUM
SUM, TOOLVERSXML_FEATURES_R3LD_TP_EXTRACT, DBSL_DEFAULT_CON_INFO, GETCAPABILITIES, DlLoadLib, DbSlControl, DBSL_ERR_CONNECT, 0232, 232 , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , BC-DB-DBI , DB Independent Database Interface , Problem
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