On trying to save a new Hire with dependent details, we face below error:
Wrapped Exception: while trying to invoke the method com.successfactors.hris.bean.eo.PersonEO.setPersonIdExternal(java.lang.String) of a null object loaded from local variable 'personEO'.
The same error is not present when we hire with no dependents.
Employee Central: New Hire
Reproducing the Issue
Add dependent details while doing new Hire.
Save new hire, an error pops-up:
A config UI is created from ‘Manage business configuration’ with person Type as Dependent.
None of the fields are enabled:
Now do new hire:
If you do not maintain dependent info on new hire, No issues. However, if you maintain dependent details>
Nothing is shown under Biographical information section of dependent:
At this point if you proceed, you will face error on saving new hire:
Solution 1:Disable the config UI created in ‘Manage Business Configuration’:
Now we can do new hire with dependent info maintained.
Solution 2: Enable any of the field person info dependent such that some field will be shown under Biographical section:
A field is shown under biographical info section:
Now we can hire the employee even with dependent details
setPersonIdExternal, New_Hire_Dependent
Manage Business Configuration , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-HIR , Hire & Rehire Wizards , LOD-SF-EC , Employee Central , LOD-SF-EC-DPD , Dependents Management , Problem