When the Demand Plan XYZ is ran using model Seasonal Trend Exponential Smoothing, a warning message appears,*XYZ refers to Demand Plan id
Historical data not sufficient
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Demand Planning Work Center.
- Go to Demand Plans View.
- Search for Demand Plan XYZ.
- Select Go.
- Select the Demand Plan XYZ and Select Plan.
- Select Choose Planning Board Layout as Maximal Layout.
- Select on Run Statistical Forecast.
We see a warning message appears:
Historical data not sufficient
History horizon data for previous months was maintained less than the defined History Horizon range.
You need to maintain History Horizon data considering the range maintained in the plan. For instance, if you have defined a History Horizon of 57 months for Seasonal Trend Exponential Smoothing, the data relevant to it must be also maintained.
Historical data not sufficient, "Seasonal Trend Exponential Smoothing", When the Demand Plan is ran using model Seasonal Trend Exponential Smoothing, a warning message appears , KBA , historical data not sufficient , seasonal trend exponential smoothing , AP-DP , Demand Planning , How To