A task to calculate score for Failed Data fails with the following in SAP Information Steward:
[E] 2016-11-29 21:16:30.217 [TaskUtility][pool-4-thread-1] (14.2) 11-29-16 21:15:45 (R) (13729:4047259424) DBS-070301: |Session JOB_Rule_NP_3_1
Oracle <QD1> error message for operation <OCIStmtExecute>: <ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
(14.2) 11-29-16 21:15:45 (E) (13729:4047259424) DBS-070301: |Session JOB_Rule_NP_3_1
Oracle <QD1> error message for operation <OCIStmtExecute>: <*****>. This message contains some internal system details which
have been hidden for security. If you need to see the full contents of the original message, ask your administrator to assign
additional privileges to your account.
(14.2) 11-29-16 21:15:45 (R) (13729:4047259424) RUN-050304: |Session JOB_Rule_NP_3_1
Function call <sql ( ICCDS_34, select count(1) from LFA1_P27T29_SOURCE where 1 <> 1 ) > failed, due to error <70301>: <Oracle
<QD1> error message for operation <OCIStmtExecute>: <ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
(14.2) 11-29-16 21:15:45 (E) (13729:4047259424) RUN-050304: |Session JOB_Rule_NP_3_1
Function call <*****> failed, due to error <*****>: <*****>. This message contains some internal system details which have been
hidden for security. If you need to see the full contents of the original message, ask your administrator to assign additional
privileges to your account.
(14.2) 11-29-16 21:16:05 (X) (14327:3265218304) DBS-120417: |Data flow DF_Rule_NP_3_1_CREATE|Loader PROFILE_SOURCE_failed_data_query_LFA1_P27T29_FD
Oracle API bulk loader CONVERSION_ERROR: <ORA-12899:ORA-12899: value too large for column MCOD1 (actual: 26, maximum: 25)
; SKIP:101>.
(14.2) 11-29-16 21:16:05 (W) (14327:3265218304) DBS-120417: |Data flow DF_Rule_NP_3_1_CREATE|Loader PROFILE_SOURCE_failed_data_query_LFA1_P27T29_FD
Oracle API bulk loader CONVERSION_ERROR: <*****>. This message contains some internal system details which have been hidden for
security. If you need to see the full contents of the original message, ask your administrator to assign additional privileges
to your account.
SAP Information Steaward 14.2
IS, BOIS, Information Steward failed data connection , KBA , EIM-IS-DI , Information Steward - Data Insight , Problem
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