ECC Purchase Orders are created against an Ariba Integrated Vendor. If the ECC Purchase Order is changed to set the item as "locked" (EKPO-LOEKZ = 'S') the output program ARBERP_NAST_CXML_MESSAGE treats the item as deleted and excludes it from the cXML output passed to Ariba Network.
Ariba Network then treats the item as Deleted and any associated previous history is also removed from that latest version.
If the item is then later "unlocked", a new output is generated by programme ARBERP_NAST_CXML_MESSAGE which includes the unlocked item and sent to Ariba Network. Ariba Network then treats it as a New Item and the previous history (Goods Receipts or Returns) are no longer displayed.
- Ariba Network Integration for SAP Business Suite (already out of maintenance, more info in SAP Note 2705047)
Addon, ARBFNDI1, ARBFNDI2, ARBERPI1, ARBSRMI1, Ariba Network Integration, EKPO-LOEKZ LOEKZ, deletion flag , lock , locked , KBA , BNS-ARI-SE-ERP , Business Suite Ariba integration add-on for SAP ERP , BNS-ARI-SE-ERP-BUY , Business Suite Ariba integration add-on (ERP) - Buy side , Problem
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