- You need to set the Document Rendering Mode or Navigation mode for an iview
- You make changes to the iview however checking a HTTP trace you still observe the incorrect rendering mode or navigation mode getting sent
- When you Preview the iview via Portal Content Management the document mode is set correctly
- You are using either of the below to launch the iview or application:
- A custom application
- Absolute Navigation
- WebDynpro ABAP or Java application
- Launchpad to call the application (e.g: LPD_CUST)
- Some examples of where a Portal is not responsible for handling the navigation include:
- ESS/MSS Dashboards maintained under the R3 system, e.g. under transaction LPD_CUST or XSSMenu (Homepage Framework Menu)
- SRM Vendor websites that are executed via the SRM Shopping Cart e.g. opening an external catalog that requires Edge when the application runs Quirks.
- WebDynpro applications which are calling a Portal iview via the Absolute Navigation technology/WebDynpro Navigation API
- SAP NetWeaver application Server for Java release independent
- SAP Enterprise Portal
launchpad, lpdcust, r3, navmode, edge, msie, quirks, internet, explorer, critical, rendering, error, headerless, window, standards,,,, navigation api , KBA , EP-PIN-AI , Application Integration , BC-FES-WGU , SAP GUI for HTML , BC-FES-ITS , SAP Internet Transaction Server , BC-WD-ABA , Web Dynpro ABAP , BC-WD-JAV , WebDynpro Java , CA-ESS-WD , ESS Web Dynpro , EP-PIN-NAV , Navigation , EP-PIN-PRT , Portal Runtime , EP-PIN-TOL , Themes / Portal UI Theme Designer / Theme Editor , SRM-EBP-CAT , Catalog Interface , SRM-UIA-SHP , Shopping Cart , SRM-UIA-SHP-PCT , Portal , BC-MUS-LP , ABAP Report Launchpad based Navigation , Problem
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