After upgrade to latest release or import new Support Package, it might happen that the COBL-ZZ* fields or other custom fields added, disappear or generate some issue during posting or running report.
- SAP_APPL 600
- SAP_APPL 602
- SAP_APPL 603
- SAP_APPL 604
- SAP_APPL 605
- SAP_APPL 606
- SAP_APPL 616
- SAP_FIN 617
- SAP_FIN 618
- SAP_FIN 700
- SAP_FIN 720
- SAP_FIN 730
- S4CORE 100
- S4CORE 101
- S4CORE 102
- S4CORE 103
- S4CORE 104
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- S4CORE 108
Transaction OXK3, subscreen SAPLKACB 9999, Transaction SE51, 'Coding block' dialog box SAPLKACB 0002, error message GB092, Syntax error, RFBIBL01, RFBIBL02, SAPLF040, LF040Z02 ,SAPF120 ,SAPLFACI , LFACIGEN, FBV0, SAPLF040, FIPP.POST, 00 349, 00349, 349(00), CODING_BLOCK_FIELD_CLEAR, NOT_CODING_BLOCK_FIELD_CLEAR, 00298, 00 298, 298(00), 00055, 00 055, 055(00), customer field, customer fields, overlap, alignment, wrong display, FB03 , KBA , AC-COB , Coding Block , FI-GL , General Ledger Accounting , FI-AR-AR-W , Preliminary Posting/Workflow , FI-AP-AP-W , Preliminary Posting/Workflow , FI-GL-GL-W , Preliminary Posting/Workflow , How To
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