- A Data Services job or CPI-ds task containing an SAP RFC enabled BAPI function or SAP source or target table, ABAP dataflow, ODP object, IDoc may fail consistently or occasionally
- Error message may vary depending on job design, objects used with error message in Error log similar to:
(14.2) 01-01-16 21:40:28 (E) (18814:16358184) RUN-050406: |
Data flow <XYZ> received a bad system message. Message text from the child process is
- Job may also succeed occasonally
- SAP Data Services 4.2
- Cloud Platform Integration for data services
SAP Cloud Integration for data services 1.0 ; SAP Data Services 4.2
BODS, SAPDS, crash, dump, exception , KBA , upgrade , EIM-DS-SAP , SAP Interfaces , LOD-HCI-DS , HANA Cloud Integration for Data Services , Problem
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