- When performing the installation of SAP HANA Streaming using the graphical interface (hdblcmgui), the following occurs:
- Upon completing the step to Add Component Location, the following error is reported:
No components were found in the specified location - When performing the installation of Streaming using the console interface (hdblcm), the following occurs:
When the installation of SAP HANA Streaming is chosen, the installation fails with the following errors in hdblcm.log:
<timestamp> - ERR : Comma separated list of component directories '/hana_options/SAP_HANA_STREAMING' is invalid
<timestamp> - ERR : Configuration error:
<timestamp> - INFO: Summary of critical errors
<timestamp> - ERR : Configuration error:
<timestamp> - ERR : Comma separated list of component directories '/hana_options/SAP_HANA_STREAMING' is invalid
<timestamp> - ERR : Error occured while scanning software locations
- SAP HANA Smart Data Streaming (SDS) 1.0 Revision122 (SP12)
- Linux ppc64
stream, processing, processor, ppc64, non-Intel OS/Hardware, sds , KBA , HAN-SDS , SAP HANA Smart Data Streaming , Problem
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