SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2401966 - Sales Order Lines Released Incrementally


When trying to release the Customer Demand against Sales Order XYZ (XYZ represents the Sales Order ID), and when releasing the Order Line Item, the quantities are released partially even though it has enough of the affected Product in the Inventory to satisfy the Demand in a single delivery.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Outbound Logistics Control workcenter.
  2. Customer Demand view.
  3. Find Sales Order XYZ.
  4. Select the Sales Order Line item.
  5. In the Details section go to Schedule Lines.

It has been noticed that the Requested Quantity is N (N represents the Quantity requested in the Sales Order), but the Quantity Released or Confirmed are in partial Quantities like N1, N2, N3 (N1, N2, N3 represents sub sum of N) and so on.


It has been maintained the Delivery Rule for Individual line item of the Sales Order XYZ as Multiple Deliveries, therefore the Product is shipped in multiple times in smaller Quantities.


System is behaving as expected. To receive the Line Item in Multiple Deliveries, it is necessary to change the Delivery Rule of the Line Item to Single Delivery-Full Quantity.

See Also

Kindly refer to the Help center document Sales Orders Quick Guide for more details.


Sales Order, Customer Demand, Multiple Deliveries, Schedule Lines. , KBA , sales order , customer demand , multiple deliveries , schedule lines , AP-CR-CR , Customer Requirement , How To


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