When the class has the option 'Auto Enroll from Waitlist' set to 'Yes' and admin removes one enrolled user from the offering then waitlist user moves to the Enrolled state:
In this case, the removed user get withdrawal notification and user who moved from waitlist to request list got the registration notification whereas did not receive the Waitlist removal notification.
SAP SuccessFactors Learning
Reproducing the Issue
- Create a Class with the option "Auto Enroll from Waitlist" enabled >
- Register the number of users reaching the maximum Enrollments >
- Have a user in the Waitlist >
- As an admin, remove a enrolled user >
- A popup will appear asking the admin to confirm the auto enroll from waitlist >Now verify the emails sent to user who was removed and to the user moved from Waitlist to enroll status.
Considering that the "Auto Enroll from Waitlist" set is ON, when user 'A' is moved from 'Enrolled' state to 'Canceled', and user 'B' is moved from waitlist to 'Enrolled' state automatically:
- User 'A' will receive "Withdraw Email Notification" notification.
- When User 'B' is in the waitlist, one will receive the "Waitlisted Email Notification".
- User 'B' will receive "Registration Email Notification" notification.
When a User 'X' is in 'Waitlist' Status and is explicitly removed from Class (Class > Registration > Remove User), then system will trigger the "Waitlist Removal Email Notification" notification (SystemWaitlistRemovalNotification).
See Also
enrollment, waitlist, removal, autofill, registration, class, withdraw, notification, auto, enroll, from
, KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-NOT , Notifications , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , LOD-SF-LMS-SCH , Class - Scheduled Offerings , Problem