- Customer is unable to open an online store.
HTTP Status 403 - The registered user for application connection doesn't match the user. - Clear the local data using the Android Settings->Apps->Your app->Clear Data.
Open the app again and try to register and open the online store again,issue persists.
Wait for 20 mins and retry, the request comes back normally as expected. - The following appears in the client log:
10-10 15:34:18.131 D/CredentialsProvider(27552): (Thread-6173) [9,19139] onCredentialsNeededUpfront() -
10-10 15:34:18.131 D/CredentialsProvider(27552): (Thread-6173) [0,19139] onCredentialsNeededUpfront() -
10-10 15:34:18.131 D/XCSRFTokenRequestFilter(27552): (Thread-6173) [0,19139] filter() - Http Method: GET, lastXCSRFToken: GMyB9vk4ae1P6MfQEbwZMg==
10-10 15:34:18.301 D/XCSRFTokenResponseFilter(27552): (Thread-6173) [169,19308] filter()
10-10 15:34:18.301 I/XCSRFTokenResponseFilter(27552): (Thread-6173) [9,19317] xcsrfTokens: null
10-10 15:34:18.311 D/OnlineManager(27552): (Thread-6173) [6,19323] requestFailed() 10-10 15:34:18.311 D/OnlineManager(27552): Error OData error deserialization: The response is not a standard OData error:SAP - Error report
HTTP Status 403 - The registered user for application connection doesn't match the user.
- Android 4.2.2 app
- SMP 3.0 SDK SP10 PL11 and SDK SP12 version
- SMP 3.0 Server SP10 PL07
SAP Mobile Platform 3.0 ; SAP Mobile Platform SDK 3.1
SMP username password , KBA , MOB-SDK-ODP , SAP Mobile SDK Odata SDK , Problem
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