The Council of the World Customs Organization decided on the 28th June 2014 to accept changes to HS nomenclature according to Art. 16 HS, which comes into force on the 1st January 2017 and replaces HS 2012. A total of 233 changes were made, possibly requiring a reclassification in SAP GTS.
Due to revision of the Harmonized System, all nomenclatures based on this system are affected, for example:
- Commodity code – combined nomenclature
- TARIC – Integrated Tariff of the European Union
- Code number – Electronic customs tariff
- TARES – Swiss customs tariff
- Schedule B - Statistical Classification of Domestic and Foreign Commodities Exported from the US
This makes reclassification necessary by 1st January 2017.
- Global Trade Services (GTS)
- Global Trade Services / Logistics Services (SLL)
- SAP Global Trade Services 10.0
- SAP Global Trade Services 10.1
- SAP Global Trade Services 11.0
Der Weltzollorganisation-Rat beschloss am 28. Juni 2014 die Annahme der Änderung der HS-Nomenklatur nach Art. 16 HS, die am 01. Januar 2017 in Kraft tritt und damit den HS 2012 ablöst. Insgesamt wurden 233 Änderungen vorgenommen. Durch die Überarbeitung des Harmonisierten Systems, sind alle Nomenklaturen betroffen, die auf diesem System aufbauen, beispielsweise:
- Statistische Warennummer – Kombinierte Nomenklatur
- TARIC - Integrierter Tarif der Europäischen Gemeinschaft
- Codenummer - Elektronischer Zolltarif
- Tares - Schweizerische Gebrauchstarif
- Schedule B - Statistical Classification of Domestic and Foreign Commodities Exported from the US
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