You are sending messages from PI to backend receiver SAP R/3 system such as CRM, ERP, SRM,HCM and etc.
One of the following issues occurs, but in PI, the message processing is successful:
- In the receiver SAP R/3 system, the long processing time of XBTR* queue is detected, no errors but just slowly processed.
- In the receiver SAP R/3 system, any application fault message is received. Usually, the messages failed due to Application Error in SXI_MONITOR as follows:
- SAP Netweaver Process Integration release independent
SAP NetWeaver all versions ; SAP Process Integration all versions
SPROXY, SXMB_MONI, sxi_monitor, monitoring, proxy, receiver, Application Error, XI, message, processing, PI, Process Integration, PO, Process Orchestration, application_error, application, XBTR. , KBA , BC-XI-IS-IEN , Integration Engine , BC-DWB-PRX , Proxy Generation , How To
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