- ASE errorlog reports a signal 10 in the module LeOperator::LeOpSaveIOStats() together with a stack trace
Current process (0x1df0147) infected with signal 10 (SIGBUS)
Address 0x0000000081d2df58 (void LeOperator::LeOpSaveIOStats(ExeCtxt&,const sdes*const,const short)+0x34)
- It is leaving behind a zombie spid or shutting down the ASE:
task 31392071 is zombie
- The stacktrace includes the following modules:
LeRetnCode LeOperator::LeOpClose
LeRetnCode LeDMLOp::_LeOpClose
Note: A complete stack trace is available under Attachments.
- The SQL Text part of the messages in log may contain reference to use of statement cache by showing parameter 'placeholder' like @@@V0_VCHAR1:
SQL Text: update dbo.my_table set col1='string1', col2='ABC' ...
SQL Text: update dbo.my_table set col1=@@@V0_VCHAR1, col2=@@@V1_VCHAR1 ...
- The master..sysprocesses table will include an entry for the affected spid with status 'infected'.
if you run "select login, suid, status from master..sysprocesses", you may see:
my_user 123 infected
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7 & 16.0
stacktrace, signal, infected, LeOperator, LeOpSaveIOStats, kisignal, stacktrace, registers, "bus error" , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed
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