SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2407100 - Course reassigned to a user via assignment profile even though the user already completed it


Even after completing a course, the user still gets reassigned with the same course via an assignment profile (AP).


SAP SuccessFactors Learning

Reproducing the Issue


  • Learning considers each AP as unique, so if the user is part of two or more assignment profiles that have the same course in its rules, the user will be assigned with this course 2 or more times.
  • If the course was previously assigned directly by an admin or self-assigned by the user and then completed, the assignment profile will assign the course again.
  • If the user was inactivated and re-activated, he/she will meet the Assignment Profile rules again so items will be assigned again. It also applies when user profile data was changed and caused the user was removed from AP's target user group and later added to it again.
  • If the user completed a course as a free-floating item (course that is not part of a curriculum) but this item is also part of a curriculum, which is in an AP rule, the user will be assigned with this curriculum and, consequently, assigned with this item.
    • Note that a free-floating item (item that is not part of a curriculum) and a NOT free-floating item (item that is part of a curriculum) are considered as 2 different entities by Learning. This behavior is because they are stored in different tables in the database, hence the system won't consider free-floating completions against NOT free-floating completions.


There are two options for not reassigning the course for the User:

  • Option 1: Remove the affected User from the assignment profile rules to have the courses removed from their learning plan.
  • Option 2: Remove the item or the curricula from the assignment profile to have only one assigned to the user.

See Also

2555562 - The item was assigned via assignment profile (ap) more than once to a user


course completed but reassigned, reassigned item incorrectly, Assignment Profile assigning items incorrectly, incorrect assignment, origin, curricula, curriculum, duplicated, multiple, System AP , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-ASP , Assignment Profile , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Learning all versions