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2408269 - Could not find temporary table error message after upgrading to SP12


Upgrade to SP12, resulted in following error message when calling a procedure that uses a temporary table:

{"result":"dberror($.hdb.Connection.executeProcedure): 259 - SQL error, server error code: 259. invalid table name: search table error: \"<Default Schema Name>\".\<Procedure Name>\": line 680 col 1 (at pos 40991): [259] (range 3) invalid table name exception: invalid table name:  Could not find table/view <#Temporary Table Name>in schema <Schema Name>: line 1 col 152 (at pos 151) (please check lines: 680) at /<path to workspace>/WorkspaceName_fa~hana1sp12/s/ptime/query/plan_executor/trex_wrapper/trex_wrapper_body/"}



SAP HANA 1.0 SP 12


SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition


HANA 1.0, temp, table, not found, fail, error, SP12 , KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , Problem

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