The readiness color scheme used in Succession was enhanced to improve accessibility and to bring it in line with Fiori standards.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
SAP SuccessFactors Succession Management
The Readiness color scheme is defined through Provisioning, under "Edit the org chart configuration".
Therefore, to have the Readiness colors added/changed, contact Cloud Product Support or an Implementation Partner, as it is necessary to go through a configuration change in the XML code of your instance.
Currently there are a total of ten colors available for mapping the Readiness scale to your specific business requirements:
What will be changed?
The Index number must be configured for each scale, under the Readiness gradient, as the below example:
When accessing the Nominations, the Readiness scales will respect the configuration done in the back-end:
NOTE: The new Readiness scheme color will be presented only on areas from your instance using Fiori (e.g. v12 Succession Org Chart, MDF Talent Pools, Presentations, Position Title, People Profile).
new color scheme readiness scale enhanced colour , KBA , LOD-SF-SCM , Succession Management , LOD-SF-PRS , Presentations , LOD-SF-SCM-MXG , Matrix Grid Reports (9 Box) , LOD-SF-SCM-NOM , Nominations - Form Based and Formless , LOD-SF-SCM-ORG , Succession Org Chart , LOD-SF-SCM-POD , Home Page, Pods and Portlets, To Do List , LOD-SF-SCM-POS , Position Imports, Sync, Tiles etc. , LOD-SF-SCM-TP , Talent Pools , Product Enhancement