The job “Apply Eligibility Rule” fails with the following status message:
“This scheduled job failed to complete. For details, please contact SuccessFactors customer support.
com.successfactors.jobscheduler.ScheduledJobExecutionException: com.successfactors.compensation.util.exception.CompensationEJBException: Exception while CompMiscUtil.applyEligRule: ; nested exception is: Remote Exception: RuntimeException; nested exception is:
com.successfactors.db.dao.DAOException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (DC#_COMPANYID.PK_USRGRP_MAP) violated”
- SuccessFactors Compensation
This issue can happen if there is a "Update Compensation Forms for Template" job configured to re-apply eligibility rules (option "Update Compensation Worksheets to reflect employee’s eligibility changes (if any)") running at the same time that the job to apply eligibility rules was submitted.
This can happen because of the following actions taken by each job:
- As the first step of eligibility rule application, the mass update job (Update Compensation Forms for Template) clears USRGRP_MAP table.
- "Apply Eligibility Rule" job starts to run. The first step is to clear USRGRP_MAP table.
- Mass update job inserts rule matching results into USRGRP_MAP table.
- Eligibility rule job inserts rule matching result into USRGRP_MAP table.
The Eligibility Rule job assumes that the USRGRP_MAP table is empty because it cleared it as its first step. However, since the Mass Update job is running at the same time and inserting data into USRGRP_MAP table, this premise is not true. In step 4, the system tries to insert the same data that was already inserted during step 3 into USRGRP_MAP, causing this error.
To avoid this issue, please make sure that you don’t have any "Update Compensation Forms for Template" job configured to re-apply eligibility rules (option "Update Compensation Worksheets to reflect employee’s eligibility changes
(if any)") running when you submit the job to Apply Eligibility Rules.
eligibility rules, compensation, ec employee central rule engine, unexpected error during the process DAOException, DAOException, CompensationEJBException CompMiscUtil.applyEligRule ORA-00001, unique constraint, PK_USRGRP_MAP USRGRP_MAP violated, ORA-00001 , KBA , LOD-SF-CMP-FRM , Forms & Templates , LOD-SF-CMP-EC , EC data, EC mappings, configuration & settings , LOD-SF-CMP-ADM , Admin Tools, Settings, Permissions , LOD-SF-CMP-INT , Integrations & Intelligent Services EC , Problem