When you upgrade SAP Java system by SUM, following error occurs during PAR migration phase:
Jan 02, 2017 1:42:26 PM [Thread[main,5,main]] Error: Error while migrating controller CSN component - BC-UPG-TLS-TLJ . Reason: <--Localization failed: ResourceBundle='', ID='par.id006', Arguments: ['/usr/sap/<SID>/SUM/sdt/data/archives/portal', '/usr/sap/<SID>/SUM/sdt/data/archives/pars']--> : Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key par.id006
You can find out which par file is missing from log "GET_PARS_FOR_MIGRATIONTaskExecutorService_01.ERR".
For example, you might find similar information as below:
INFO: Started writing file ContentCreationUtils.par.
Jan 02, 2017 1:42:24 PM com.parextractor.StandAloneParExtractor main
SEVERE: An IO exception occured during par extraction process. /usr/sap/<SID>/SUM/sdt/data/archives/pars/ContentCreationUtils.par (No such file or directory)
The above sample information indicates SUM cannot access to directory SUM/sdt/data/archives/pars. When you check the directory, you will see that the entire SUM/sdt/data/archives/pars directory does not exist on the OS.
SAP systems based on NetWeaver Java.
MTI_PAR_WAR_MIGRATION, JMT_FRAMEWORK, , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLJ , Upgrade tools for Java , Problem
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