In the browser, the users may receive a blank page or even an error 500 (Internal Server error). The access to the systems Web Dispatcher is connected no longer works.
Checking the Web Dispatcher trace file (dev_webdisp), the following errors occurs at the time the systems are not accessible.
[Thr 2058] *** ERROR => realloc((nil) 1100800) failed. [ictxxptab.c 670] [Thr 2058] *** ERROR => IcrIRequestInfoFromAppserver, system <SYSTEM ID>: IctUpdatePathTableFromTextDescription() failed: Out of memory(2) [icrxx.c 3747] |
- SAP WEb Dispatcher
ulimit, unlimit, solaris project, ICM, WDP, webdisp, RAM, swap , KBA , BC-CST-WDP , Web Dispatcher , BC-CST-IC , Internet Communication Manager , Problem
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