SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2415262 - How to Add Extension Fields to OData Services


How to add an extension field to OData services.


SAP Cloud for Customer


There are two types of OData services in the Cloud for Customer environment:

  • Standard OData services
  • Custom OData services

Adapting Extension Fields to the Standard OData Service

  1. Go to the respective workcenter.
  2. Click the button Adapt to Enter Adaptation Mode.
  3. Select the Edit Master Layout option.
  4. Navigate to the field. 
  5. Click Edit. 
  6. In the new screens, navigate to the OData Services tab.
  7. The box for the respective OData service should be checked.
    • Example: for Opportunity, you need to check the Opportunity OData service. For Accounts, you need to check Customer OData service.
  8. To check it, click Edit and then the + icon next to the checkbox.

Adapting Extension Fields to the Custom OData Service

  1. Go to the Administrator work center.
  2. Navigate to the OData Service Explorer view.
  3. Change the selection to Custom OData services.
  4. Click New to create a new custom OData service;
    • Select Data Workbench enabled indicator if you wish for this service to be available as a Data Workbench object.
  5. Edit the custom OData service.
  6. Select the required Object under Select Business Object.
  7. Expand and select the entities.
  8. Now all the extension fields related to the selected entities will be available in the right-hand side window.
  9. Select all the required extension fields and save your custom OData service.

Once the custom OData service is created with all the required extension fields, by default all the extension fields will be available.


OData Service, Extension Fields, Data Workbench , KBA , LOD-CRM-INT-API , OData API (C4C Only) , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions