When you are performing a posting run within RE-FX, for example with transaction RERAPP or RERAOP, the error message FF817 or FF818 is raised.
This happens especially after an upgrade/implementation of support packages and/or line-by-line taxes had been activated for the company code.
If the error occurs for valuation postings with RECEEP then please implement SAP note 2570929 .
The same issue may occur with postings by sales-based settlement using transaction RESRSE.
Release independent.
FF818, FF817, BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST, ACC9, check_tax_det_by_line, check_itemno_tax, ITEMNO_TAX, TAXPS, CL_EXM_IM_REEX_FI_BAPI_TAXPS , RECEEP, RESRSE zeilenweise Steuer , KBA , RE-FX-RA , Rental Accounting , RE-FX-SR , Sales-Based Rent , How To
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