There is a remaining balance left over on the old / previous year (for example 2016) Time Account, which has a booking until date of the 30/4/2017.
So it is overlapping with the new 2017 Time account which has a bookable from date of the 1/1/2017.
If you want the balance to first be taken from the old account, set the posting order on the Time Account Type to "Oldest First".
And if you want the balance to first be taken from the new 2017 account, set this to "Newest First".
In this case the leave requests have an effective start date which is within the overlapping period (1/1/2017 - 30/4/2017) and have been split.
Some were taken from the old account and some from the new, even though the days were available on the old time account.
Overlapping time accounts Split leave requests Time Management Recalculation event , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-TIM , Time Off , Problem
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