- SAP Replication Server (SRS), Warmstandby replication
- SQL Statement replication is enabled on 'select into'
- Table has a UDD (User-Defined Datatype) column
- select * into <new_table> from <table> command causes the following DSI EXEC error:
ERROR #1028 DSI EXEC(110(1) ASE160.sdb) - neric\dsi\dsiqmint.c(5095)
Message from server: Message: 911, State 2, Severity 11 -- 'Attempt to locate entry in sysdatabases for database '
Invalid pointer param number 2, pointer value 0x0000000000000000
' by name failed - no entry found under that name. Make sure that name is entered properly. - When 'resume connection' or 'resume connection exec tran' is issued, DSI encounters another error:
ERROR #1028 DSI EXEC(110(1) ASE160.sdb) - neric\dsi\dsiqmint.c(5095)
Message from server: Message: 2714, State 1, Severity 16 -- 'There is already an object named '<new_table>' in the database.
- SAP Replication Server (SRS) 15.7
- Sybase Replication Server (RS) 15.2 - 15.6
SAP Replication Server 15.7 ; Sybase Replication Server 15.5 ; Sybase Replication Server 15.6
rs_sqldml, SQLSDML, SSR, data server Message 911, user defined data types, CR676246. , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Bug Filed
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