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2415988 - Error: DBSQL_SQL_ERROR occurrs while accessing table "CDS_WMM_DETAILS" after upgrading to Solution Manager 7.2 SPS03 or SPS04


After upgrading to Solution Manager 7.2 SPS03 or SPS04, the following dump occurs in ST22 when running the report SMREP_PROCESS_BW_DATA_QUEUE. The exact error code may vary, depending on the database:

Category               Installation Errors
Runtime Errors         DBSQL_SQL_ERROR
Except.                CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB
Date and Time          DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS


|Short Text                                                                                        |
|    SQL error "SQL code: 264" occurred while accessing table "CDS_WMM_DETAILS".                  


|What happened?                                                                                    |
|    Database error text: "SQL message: invalid datatype: LOB type in distinct                     |
|     select clause: line 1 col 123 (at pos 122)"                                                 


|    Function module..... ADD_CCDB_ABAP_EXTRACTOR


|    1|  METHOD if_workmode_dao~get_wm_details_for_time_range.                                     |
|    2|    IF it_contexts IS SUPPLIED.                                                             |
|>>>>>|      SELECT * FROM cds_wmm_details INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE rt_context_workmodes |
|    4|          FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_contexts                                                   


|   10 METHOD       CL_WORKMODE_DAO===============CP    CL_WORKMODE_DAO===============CM00V     3  |
|      CL_WORKMODE_DAO=>IF_WORKMODE_DAO~GET_WM_DETAILS_FOR_TIME_RANGE                              |
|    9 METHOD       CL_WMM_API====================CP    CL_WMM_API====================CM00K    26  |
|      CL_WMM_API=>GET_ALL_WMS_FOR_CONTEXT_IDS                                                     |
|    8 METHOD       CL_WMM_API====================CP    CL_WMM_API====================CM00J    31  |
|      CL_WMM_API=>GET_ALL_WMS_FOR_CONTEXTS                                                        |
|    7 FUNCTION     SAPLDSWP_WMM_MON_API                LDSWP_WMM_MON_APIU01                   59  |




SAP Solution Manager 7.2



SAP Solution Manager 7.2


ORA-00932, SQL code: -134, SQL code: 932 , KBA , SV-SMG-MON-REP , Content for Technical Monitoring Reporting , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem

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