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1. LMS Commerce Overview
1.1. Glossary Of Commerce Terms
1.2. Commerce Functionality
1.3. Master Inventory
1.4. Account Codes
1.5. Order Management
1.6. Financial Transactions Field
2. Costs for Development and Delivery
2.1. Track item Development/Mainternace Cost
2.2. Track Resource Costs for Delivery
2.3. Reports in Commerce
2.4. Suggested Activity - Define Location Cost
3. Internal Pay via Chargeback
3.1. Testing Tips: - User Sees Wrong Price
3.3. Set Up item/Offering Pricing
4. Externals Pay via Purchase Order
4.1. Purchase Order Functionality
4.2. User Experience with Purchase Orders
4.3. Configuration Tips for Purchase Orders
4.4. Purchase Order : Configuration Options
4.5. ACME Scenario for Purchase Orders
5. Pay via Credit Card / Paypal
5.1. Paypal Functionality
5.2. Demo ACME Scenario for Credit Card
6. Use Coupons to Discount a Price
6.1. Coupon Functionality
6.2. User Redeems a Coupon
6.3. Coupon Record
6.4. ACME Scenario for Coupons
7. Use Subscription for Free Training
7.1. Subscriptions Functionality
7.2. ACME Scenario for Subscriptions
8. Managing Other Transactions
8.1. Topics related to Financial Transactions
9.1. Bookmarking a Purchase Order
9.2. Copying a Purchase Order
9.3. Deleting a Purchase Order
This KBA is intended for SuccessFactors Learning Administrators (admins) responsible for:
- Tracking costs for items, resources, classes and users
- Implementing pricing for items and classes
- Offering different methods to reduce prices charged to users
- Managing financial transactions
Resources Available:
- PDF version of the KBA
- LMS Commerce Administrator Guide
- LMS Setting Up and Using Coupons : Reference Guide
- LMS Configuration Workbooks
- Additonal Training and resources for:
+ LMS Training Planner
+ LMS Goverment Reporting
Commerce Functionality:
- Track costs to develop/deliver Training
+ Track development costs of an item
+ Track resource costs to deliver a class
- Charge a price to the user
+ Charge users for launching an eLearning item or registering into a class
+ Catalog determines the price displayed to users
- Support for multiple currencies
External Users - Partners, Customers, etc.
- External users can be created in the LMS:
+ User profiles can be Synchronized from SuccessFactors HCM
+ Suggestion: Use distinctive user IDs and/or domain and/or organizations
- Exernal user accounts can be created via Sites functionality:
+ Admin can define required fields for user-created accounts
+ User gest assigned to default domain and default organization
+ User gets inmediate access to assigned catalog(s)
Commerce Reports
- Out of box for reports on commerce data:
+ Item data - Displays item total cost and default price
+ Class Data - Displays offering total cost and individual resource costs
+ User Costs
+ Learning History - Displays user tuition cost
- Reporting on additional commerce data requires a custom report
1.1. Glossary of Commerce Terms
1.2. Commerce Functionality
Commerce has a set of available functions and tools that allow administrators to track resource costs incurred in the delivery of training and the tuition (pricing) charged for a user to attend or launch a training event. Commerce is strictly a system that tracks transactions such as credit and debit values. There is no exchange of money in Commerce without the addition of an optional eCommerce integration such as PayPal Pro. eCommerce does, however, introduce a new payment method within Commerce.
OData APIs, Supervisor Tools, Record Learning for User and Supervisor are not supported in Commerce.
# This configuration is used to show/hide price related search features and indicators in specific user screens. # When set to false, catalog search will not include currency filter or price sorting and prices will not be displayed in user catalog, user registration and available offerings. # WARNING: This configuration does not turn off commerce functionality and should not be set to false if any learning has a Price associated for the respective user group. showPricingInternalUsers=true showPricingExternalUsers=true
NOTE: We highly recommend that this feature never be turned on when pricing is used for that user type.
1.3. Master Inventory
The master inventory stores all items and materials available in the application and sets their default price. Catalogs are populated from the master inventory.
This field... |
…Is Used as Follows |
Stock Keeping Unit is a unique inventory ID of the selected item. |
Item or Material |
The name and last revision of the item or the name of the material. |
Inventory Type |
The inventory type of the selected item: Item or Material. |
Classification |
The type of classification: Instructor-led, Online, or Other. Other can include such as books or documents. |
Published Price (@) |
The price published for one unit of the selected item. |
Cancel Policy ID |
The ID of the cancellation policy for the selected item. Cancellation policies are managed in Commerce Cancellation Policies . |
Display in Catalog |
This check box, when selected, indicates that the selected item appears in the master catalog. |
Class ID |
The unique ID of the class. |
Date/Time |
The date and time of the class. The date and time appears in the time zone defined in the Class Summary. |
Facility |
The facility associated to the class. |
Published Price |
The price published in the catalog for the selected offering. |
1.4. Account Codes
The account code is one way to track the transactions. It is a unique code created to track the chargeback information of a transaction for the ledger.
You define the unique Account Code when you create it. Once the code has been created, you cannot edit the Account Code field.
In the Summary tab, you can view, add, or edit information in the Description and Domain fields of the selected account code. Once the account code has been created, you cannot edit the Account Code field.
This field... |
…Is Used as Follows |
Account Code |
The unique ID of the account code. |
Description |
A description of the account code. This description should be intuitive for others to relate to easily. |
Domain |
You can associate a record with an access domain to control the administrators who can access the record. What an administrator can access and do for a record depends on how you configured the entity, function, and workflow domain restrictions of the role ID that is associated with the administrator. For more information about how you can configure access to records, see Security. |
Account Code Type ID |
This is the account code type from References Commerce . Account codes help outside systems understand the categories of transactions. Your account codes depend on how you set up your outside financial system to categorize accounts. |
Company Code |
The company code is a unique ID for a company in your outside financial system. The codes that you use depend on how your external system is configured. |
Controlling Area |
The controlling area is a unique ID for your accounting controlling area. In most cases, you have only one controlling area for all account codes. In some more complex financial systems, however, you can have more than one controlling area. Your controlling area depends on the configuration of your external financial system. |
See more in Section 3.4.
1.4.1. Profits Centers Tab
In the Profit Centers tab, you can view, add, or edit the entities/accounts that are credited for the selected account code.
This field... |
…Is Used as Follows |
Account Code |
The account code that is credited as part of the profit center. |
Description |
A description of the account credited. |
Distribution |
Percentage of the total credit to be distributed to the account line item. |
1.4.2. The importance of Account Code Type, Company Code and Controlling Area
If you are using commerce features, you likely pull data from the transactions table, where account code type, company code, and controlling area are important categorization tools.
External financial systems need attributes to categorize transactions. The attributes help the external system categorize the transaction. You might want to see all transactions in a given company code, for example, or all transactions of a given account code type.
SAP SuccessFactors Learning does not use account code type, company code, or controlling area for itself. We simply make them available on the accounts. Your particular values for these three fields will depend on your external financial system.
1.5. Order Management
The Summary tab ( Admin -> Commerce -> Summary ) contains the status and contents of the selected Order Number.
This field... |
…Is Used as Follows |
Order Type |
The system has four order types: SEAT-ENROLL, SHOPPING-CART, SLOTTING, and EVHST.
Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) is an inventory mapping mechanism used in catalogs. |
ID |
The title, ID, and revision of an item in the order. |
Course Details |
The Item Name and date of most recent revision. |
Offering Details |
The indicated time of delivery of the selected order. |
Qty (Quantity) |
The quantity of item in the order. |
Unit Price |
The price per unit of the item in the order. Click Add Refund to add a refund to the item. |
Extended Price |
The first row of this column displays the price for the entire order. All other rows display the amount of refunds for the corresponding line item and for the entire order. |
Charged Amount |
The charged amount is the amount that was actually charged for the order. Pending order, for example, appear with a zero (0.00) charged amount when a user is on the waitlist or registration approval is pending and the charged amount is still zero. NoteIn Learning Class Registration Advanced , the Advanced Settings popup includes a Charged Amount column. |
Cost Center |
The account code debited in the transaction. To change the cost center, click Change Cost Center. Like organizations, groups have an account code association to allow for slot commerce purchase validation. |
Profit Center |
The entity/account credited in the transaction. To change the profit center, click Change Profit Center. |
Order Status |
Current status of the line item. You can create a new order status ( References Commerce Order Status ). To change the status, click Change Status. You can also remove a refund from an item by clicking the Remove Refund link in the Status column. |
Add Refund Link |
Use this link to make a refund to a line item.
Add Refund Button |
Click the Add Refund button to add a refund for the entire order.
Grand Total |
The total for the entire order minus the refunds. Both the extended price total and the charged amount total are displayed. |
1.6. Financial Transactions Field
About Financial Transaction fields.
This field... |
Is Used as Follows |
Transaction Type |
The type of transaction for the line item: Adjust Refund, Adjust Charge, Cancel Refund, Cancel Charge Register, or Purchase. |
Item/Material |
The Type, ID, and Revision Date and Time of the item/material. The Schedule ID also appears with its Date and Time. |
Order Information |
The Shopping Account ID, Order ID, and Date and Time the order was placed. |
Total Price |
The price per item/material. |
Account Codes |
The Cost and Profit centers associated with the corresponding item/material. Click the View Details link to view the details of the Account Code. |
Approve |
Select to mark a line item for approval. Approved financial transactions are available to a client that gets financial transactions for an outside financial system. |
Posting Status |
The status of the transaction related to an external financial system. Although the exact status can differ depending on your external financial system, a status of FAILED is common. It tells you that something was wrong with your transaction (a bad amount or bad account code, for example). The financial system can provide an explanation under the status. Use the explanation, if provided, to troubleshoot the transaction. |
Retry |
Select Retry after you have fixed failed transactions and you want to queue the transaction for reposting to the financial system. |
1.7. Coupons
About coupons.
The main purpose for creating coupon records ( Admin-> Commerce -> Coupons ) is to offer incentives, and thereby offset the costs, to groups of users for their course offerings. For example, you could create coupons for all new items that you create as a way to market and increase participation in a course.
Coupon descriptions are now Rich Text Editor enabled. During checkout, users have the ability to review all available coupons by clicking the Enter Coupon Code link, if coupons are available.
1.8. Subscriptions
About Commerce subscriptions.
Subscriptions allow administrators to identify catalogs and organizations who should be granted free access to those catalogs. Catalog permissions are still managed by the assignment profile, but the subscription will override all pricing within the catalog. This free access can be granted for a limited time by applying an expiration date. The subscription record supports renewals by allowing an administrator to renew a subscription based on a set subscription period.
1.9. Purchase Orders
About purchase orders.
Purchase orders ( Commerce -> Purchase Orders ) are used by organizations to allocate a monetary level of training for organizations and specific users. In the summary area, you can edit general information about the purchase order.
2. Costs for Development and Delivery
2.1. Track item Development/Mainternace Cost
Go to Learning->Item record->Related more->Cost Calculation
2.2. Track Resource Costs for Delivery
- Resource costs can be defined for:
+ Instructors
+ Facilities and locations
+ Equipment
+ Material
+ Custom Resources
- Two types of costs can be defined:
+ Base costs (1 per Class per resource)
+ Additional costs
2.2.1. Base Costs>Instructor Record
A resource base cost is applied to classes every time the resource is assigned to a segment.
To set one amount for the entire class, leave Unit of Measure Blank
If you edit a resource after it is in use, select "Propagate" and decide how to apply the revised costs
2.2.2. Additional Costs defined by Cost Names
- Descriptions of costs (travel, per diem, catering, classroom clearning, etc.)
- Can be associated with:
- Class / Location / Item
- Instructor / Equipment / User
- Facility / Custom resources
- Are visible to admins when:
- Adding costs to an item, offering, or resource
- Adding resources to a class
- Recording a learning event Additonal Costs -> Instructor Record
1. Admin Creates a cost name available for instructors
2. Admin adds the cost to the instructor record -> Cost Calculation tab
3. Cost is applied to offerings when the resource is assigned to a segment Item Costs -> Instructor Record
An instructor can be paid a premium for delivering specific items:
The offering assign only one base cost per resource
For an instructor, the class picks up the item cost if applicable. If item cost is not populated, the offering picks up the base cost. Offerings ; System-Defined Cost Names
Commerce->Cost Names-> Applied to classes
Formula for Learning Delivery Cost calculates total for the offering = ScheduleCreationCost + ScheduleResourceCost
Formula for Schedule Resource Cost = ScheduledInstructorCost + ScheduleMaterialCost + ScheduleLocationCost = ScheduleEquipmentCost + ScheduleCustomResourceCost Offering Costs Calculation and Summary Tracking User Costs per Offering
SCENARIO: ACME wants to track the costs that a user incurs for attending a class (not including tuition)
1. Admin creates cost names to capture travel and meals
2. Admin records learning via Financial wizard
3. Admin runs User Costs report
2.2.3. Configuration Tips for Costs
2.2.4. ACME Scenario for Tracking Costs
Scenario: ACME wants to track costs for developing and delivering an ILT course on Cost Control the ACME Way (CCAW)
- Item creation cost for CCAW = $1200 (USD)
- Item maintenance cost for CCAQ = 10% of the item creation cost
- Facility base cost for ACME HQ = $120/day (all locations for current and future offerings)
- User costs for Meals and Mileage
- Instructor Additonal Cost (one time) = Travel at $150 daily Set Up and Test Cost Scenario Define Item Costs
1. Item creation cost for CCAW = $1200 (USD)
2. Item Maintenance cost for CCAW = 10% of the item creation cost Define Base Cost for Facility
Go to References -> Physical Resources -> Facilities
Select Propagate to apply Costs Offering -> Edit Cost Summary
Go to Class -> Related More -> Cost Summary and fine tune Realizing Costs
Scenario: ACME wants to capture realized cost when an offering is completed
1. Adjust final offering costs as needed, based on actuals
2. Reconcile registration for completed offering
3. Record learning via financial wizard and capture costs
4. Close the offering
5. Approve the financial approvals
6. Run reports on Item Data, Class Data, User Cost, etc. Offering -> Close Offering View Closed Classes
Class Search-> View Results -> Field Chooser-> add Closed Date Offering->Cancel an Offering
1. Select the Class you want to Cancel
2. Right Menu Actions -> Cancel the Class
3. Next
4. Update the Costs
5. Next
6. Finish Run Transaction Approval
2.3. Reports on Commerce
2.3.1. Reporting on Costs : Items and Users
2.3.2. Reporting on Costs for Resources
- Facility Data
- Location Data
- Equipment Data
- Custom Resource Data
2.3.3. Reporting on Costs : Class
Class Data Report - Total Cost and Individual resource costs
2.4. Suggested Activity - Define Location Cost
1. Create a cost name for Location Rental
2. Go to References -> Physical Resources -> Locations
3. Go to Additonal Costs
4. Add Cost for Location rental
5. Associate Locations with an offering
6. Run Location Cost Report
2.4.1. Stretch Activity - Custom Costs
- ACME wants to set up a custom resource for Parking
- Set up necessary cost names
3. Internal Pay via Chargeback
3.1. Testing Tips: - User Sees Wrong Price
Scenario : During Testing, user sees free item or lower price than expected
- Offering Record->Commerce is set to "No Charge"
+ Be sure that item has a rule other than "No Charge"
+ Offering default = "Inherit item settings" - User has access to multiple catalogs and user always sees lowest price available in ANY Catalog
+ Check to make sure your item is not in any catalog as "free"
+ Check to make sure that one catalog doesn not have pricing rule that it discounting the price
+ Check to be sure that you applied any price change to ALL
3.2. Chargeback Functionality
- Admins assign a price for items/classes
- Organizations:
+ Are assigned account codes to track credits and debits
+ Are charged for internal staff attending training - Users:
+ Are assigned account codes
+ And/or can use their org account code
+ Can only self register if they provide an account code
3.3. Set Up item/Offering Pricing
- Item -> Pricing
- class -> Pricing
- Can have different pricing in different catalogs
- Can use Commerce -> tools for change prices:
+ Catalog Price Change
+ Master Inventory Price Change
3.4. Account Codes
3.4.1. Account Code Associations : Org
+ Organization Accound Code (Cost center pays for training)
3.4.2. Set Up User for Chargebacks
+ Assign options in user record -> Account Code tab
- Can only have one assigned account code
- Can be allowed to use organization account code(s)
+ Define purchase options in user record -> Commerce tab
- Shopping Account = unique identifier (not same as account code
- Shopping Account Type = internal
- Enable Shopping Account = Yes
- Chargeback Payment Method = Enabled
3.4.3. Chargeback for Items
- Item setting for chargeback options -> Chargeback tab
Scenario: ACME org account code always pays for this item registration, even for users from other organizations.
1. Use Item Purchasing Option -> Distribute Charges to Specified Account Codes
2. Registered user's account is ignored and Chargeback ACCt = ACME for ALL Users
3.4.4. Chargeback for Classes
+ Assigned in the offering -> Chargeback tab
+ Default = Inherit item chargeback settings
+ Can select a different option at the Offering Level
3.4.5. Configuration Tips for Chargebacks
ACME wants to charge internal users for attending the Online Recruiting course
+ Users should be able to charge to their authorized organization accounts
+ The Profit Center should be HR
+ Users from Canada and Great Britain will attend
+ Price = £145 (GBP) and $250 (CAD)
+ Users can pay in their preferred currency
1. Setup and test Chargeback Scenario
2. Set Up Item with Multiple Currencies
+ Item -> Pricing
+ Apply to all currencies
+ Be sure to go through EVERY step of the price change wizard
3. Shedule Item and Register User
+ Be sure to include in catalog
+ Be sure to enable self registration
+ Use Launch Proxy to access user
4. Admin Confirms Final Registration
+ Go to Class -> Registration tab -> Advanced menu
+ Can manually edit price (following business rules)
+ If not changed now, must issue ChargeBack Adjustment Later
5. User View of Order after Admin Cancels
6. Run Related Reports
- Item Data
- Class Data
- Learning History -> User Tuition
4. Externals Pay via Purchase Order
4.1. Purchase Order Functionality
- Allow external users to use a shopping cart and charge against the balance of a purchase order
- Record type for purchase order specifies:
+ Current balance and currency
+ Assigned users and/or orgs can charge against the PO
4.2. User Experience with Purchase Orders
1. User checks My Orders for available payment options
2. User applies purchase order at checkout
Purchase Order View
4.3. Configuration Tips for Purchase Orders
4.4. Purchase Order : Configuration Options
- Global : Show/Hide Purchase Order Balance from the end user
+ System Admin -> System Configuration -> Financial -> userPurchaseOrderBanlanceDisplay=true
- Global : List of Purchase Order's does not display
+ User must enter the exact Purchase Order ID
+ System Admin -> System Configuration -> Financial -> displayPurchaseOrdersToUsers=false
- Individual Purchase Order : Can be set with low balance threshold
+ Designated email addresses receive a notification when the balance falls bellow threshold
+ Associated configuration for notification template and for APM
4.5. ACME Scenario for Purchase Orders
Scenario: ACME has partners who are externals LMS Users. ACME wants partners to use purchase orders to pay for training.
- ACME will give 15% discount for the item/offering published price but only for Platinum Partner A
- Users are penalized for late withdrawals
4.5.1. Set up ACME Partners Scenario
4.5.2. Account Enabled for Payment via Purchase Order
4.5.3. Use Pricing Rule with Catalog
1. Go to References -> Commerce -> Pricing Rule -> Add New or Go to Catalog record and add from there
2. Add new rule per ACME requirements:
4.5.4. Cancellation Policy
- A Cancellation policy is applied to an item/ its offerings
- Each Policy contains a set of rules and deadlines
- Rule types:
+ No Charge
+ Charge Full price
+ Charge percentage
+ Charge fixed amount
NOTE: There must be at least one active, future class before you can apply a cancellation policy to an item Add a New Cancellation Policy
1. Go to References -> Commerce -> Cancellation Policies
2. Click Add New
3. Enter an ID and description for the policy
4. Click Add Configure Cancellation Rules
Set up cut off point before which user receives full refund
1. Select the Rules Tab
2. Enter -14 (2 weeks) in the Delivery Offset (Days) texbox
3. Select No Charge
4. Click Add
Set up period during which user forfeits half the fee:
1. Select the Rules tab
2. Enter -13 in the Delivery Offsets (Days) textbox
3. Select Charge Percentage (%) and enter .50 (50%)
4. Click Add
Set up cut off after which cancelled user gets no refund:
1. Select the Rules tab
2. Enter -3 (3 days before offering start date) in the Delivery Offsets (Days) textbox
3. Select Charge Full Price
4. Click Add
5. Define a Grace Period of 3 days
Note: User ALWAYS has 3 days to withdraw without penalty. Even if she/he registers within a cancellation penalty windows and then withdraws. Assign Cancel Policy to Offerings
1. Go to Commerce-> Mastery Inventory -> search for item
2. Associate your policy via the Cancel Policy ID drop down, then Apply Changes:
4.6. ACME Partners Scenario
4.6.1. User Account -> Check My Orders
User only sees the Purchasing Option menu if
System Admin -> System Configuration -> Financial -> userPurchaseOrderBalanceDisplay = True
4.6.2. User Registers and Pays
4.6.3. User Checks Orders and Order Number
Stretch Scenario A : Insuficient Funds
Stretch Scenario B : Insufficient Funds
4.6.4. Admin Wrap Up for this Scenario
4.6.5. Cancellations
+ Users that are enrolled but cannot attend must be cancelled prior to admin closing the offering
+ Otherwise the order is counted as charged
+ In this case- an admin must use the refund functionality
4.6.6. Admin Wraps Up Offering
+ Confirm final registration status for attendees
+ Adjust any amounts as needed
+ Record Learning via the Financial Wizard
+ Close the offering
4.6.5. Approve Financial Transactions
+ Financial Transaction Approval is last stage in posting to a financial information system (FIS)
+ The Financial Transaction screen contains all orders with :
o Approved Status
o Refunds or charges based on a cancellation
o Edits to chargebacks
o Chargebacks for realized costs that are calculated for closed class
4.6.6. Find orders related to a given purchase order
+ Find orders related to a given purchase order
4.6.7. Database Tables
5. Pay via Credit Card / Paypal
5.1. Paypal Functionality
+ External users charge to credit card
+ ACEM uses PayPal Pro to process the apyment
The integration it is done via a connector that uses CPI APIs and their API's to create a single experience in SF Learning and still process the transaction.
Only required is an account with Paypal.
5.2. Demo ACME Scenario for Credit Card
+ Set up System Admin -> System Configuration -> FINANCIAL to enable credit card for demo
+ Set up external user to use credit card
+ Log in as user and charge to credit card
+ Describe PayPal authorization and interactions
Please note that LMS uses PayFlow Integration and not a PayPal button on checkout. Payment method of credit card is only valid if the things in the cart are denominated in USD.
5.2.1. Configuration : FINANCIAL Credit Card
5.2.2. Configuration : User -> Commerce
5.2.3. Configuration : User -> Billing
5.2.4. Log in as User and Charge to CC
5.2.5. Configuration : FINANCIAL Paypal
5.2.6. Check Paypal Account for TX
6. Use Coupons to Discount a Price
6.1. Coupon Functionality
+ Admins create coupons for external users to offer incentives
+ Coupons are associated to items, and assigned to users via assignment profiles
+ Attributes for each coupon:
- Start and End dates
- % off or Specified Amount (currencies supported)
- Max Usage Limit / Number of Users per User
- Max Usage Limit Overall
+ Admins can get notified on upcoming coupon expirations
6.2. User Redeems a Coupon
6.3. Coupon Record
6.4. ACME Scenario for Coupons
ACME HR wants to offer a "Winter Break" coupon with a 15% discount for a variety of items. Up to 5 external users with a job location of MN can use the discount.
+ Identify a set of items and define pricing
+ Schedule an offering and put it in a catalog your users can access
+ Create the coupon and set the coupon to be available for 3 months, up to 5 users
+ Create an assignment profile:
- Assign the coupon
- Assign the coupon to users in the target job location
6.4.1. Configuration Tips for Coupons
6.4.2. Add a New Coupon for Percent Off
You can set up a coupon for 100% off.
For example, offer concession so user gets a free training course.
At checkout, the user still must have a payment method.
6.4.3. Associate Coupon with Item(s)
TIP - Add "Catalog(s) as search criteria for items.
NOTE: This has to be done by Professional Services or Administrator with deep knowledge on implementing Search Criteria. SAP Customer Support it is not responsible for the wrong implementation of this feature by your own.
6.4.4. Assign Coupon via Assignment Profile
If the assignment profile records don't exist, for the group of users you want to target, then create them now.
On the Assignment Profiles tab ( Commerce Coupons Assignment Profiles tab ), you can view, add, or remove the coupons from an assignment profile. You must propagate the assignment profile, however, from the assignment profile record. Propagating updates the coupons window in the user interface, based on the settings that you selected for showing coupons in the Coupon Display Settings area of User Settings ( System Admin -> Configuration -> User Settings ). The assignment profile can have one of the following statuses: Valid (the assignment profile has been propagated), Add Pending (the assignment profile has not been propagated), and Delete Pending (the assignment profile has not been propagated).
While you can associate coupons with assignment profiles from the coupon record, we recommend that you use the Coupons tab of the assignment profile record because you must propagate the assignment profile record after you modify it by adding the coupon records, and you can propagate an assignment profile only from an assignment profile record.
After you propagate the assignment profile, external users who have their shopping carts enabled and who are part of the assignment profile can add apply the coupon to any item that was on the Items tab of the coupon record after they add the item to their shopping carts.
6.4.5. User Redeems Coupon
1. Hover on Available symbol in the Coupons Window.
2. Write down the coupon code.
3. Add one of the items to which the coupon can apply.
4. Click View Shopping Cart link from the Easy Links areas of the home page.
5. Types the coupon code in the Enter Coupon Code box when checking out the shopping cart.
6.4.6. Stretch Scenario : Order Management
+ User purchases TWO instances of an online item
+ User applied coupon at the time of purchase
+ Admin Checks Order Management but cannot edit quantity
6.4.7. Unused Order Tickets
The Unused Order Ticket wizard ( Admin -> Commerce -> Unused Order Tickets ) displays unused tickets of a shopping cart.
This field... |
…Is Used as Follows |
Item ID |
A unique ID for the selected item. |
Ticket Number |
A system-generated unique ID for each purchase in the system. An order ticket can include multiple units of the entry purchased. |
Usages |
Displays the number of times the order tickets for the selected entry has been used. It is displayed in the format number used of total number of items purchased. |
7. Use Subscription for Free Training
7.1. Subscriptions Functionality
+ Can offer FREE training to an external organization
- Can be unlimited
- Or can be for a fixed period
+ Admins create a subscription and associate it with catalog(s) and organization(s)
+ Users from the listed organization(s) can access free training from the listed catalog(s)
+ Contact email can get notified of upcoming expiration
7.2. ACME Scenario for Subscriptions
SCENARION: ACME wants to offer free project planning coursers to Platinum-level partners for 2017
- Set up project planning items with pricing
- Create a catalog containing project planning items / offerings
- Grant organization(s) associated with Platinum Partners free access to those catalogs
- Grant free subscription for a limited time by applaying an expiration date
7.2.1. User Interaction with Subscriptions
Before: Log in as user not in subscribed organization and viw the offering in the catalog. The offering has a price.
After: Log in as user in subscribed organization and view the offering in the catalog. The offering is "free".
7.2.2. Subscription Record
7.2.3. Configuration Tips for Subscriptions
7.2.4. Set Up Data for Subscription
+ An organization to subscribe
+ A user in the organization
+ A catalog to subscribe
+ An item with a price in the catalog
+ An offering of the item with a price in the catalog that allows self registration
+ An assignment profile that assigns the catalog to the user
7.2.5. Create the Subscription & Log In as User and Register
1. Go to Commerce -> Subscriptions
2. Add a new subscription and select fixed period or ongoing
3. Add the catalog(s) to the subscription
4. Add the organization(s) to the subscription:
a. Select the Subscribe link to activate each organization
b. Set the Expiration as desired
5. Make sure that organizations users can access subscribed catalog(s)
6. Log in as user and Register to an item subscribed
8. Managing Other Transactions
8.1. Topics related to Financial Transactions
+ Bulk Orders:
- Users can order multiple online items
- Admins use Purchasing Assistant to create order tickets
+ Order Management - admins check / edit order status
+ Issue Refunds
- Chargeback adjustment - after closing offering, manually adjust charges
- Cancel Refund - Refund automatically granted when a user registration is cancelled
- Ad-hoc Refund - before or after closing the offering
+ Extract date for financial reporting
8.1.1. Scenarios for Bulk Orders User Purchase Multiple Items
Before launching content, a user must pay for the item:
+ Go to the Shopping Cart and pay for the item, then launch it
- OR -
+ Go to the shopping Cart and purchase multiple copies Bulk Order Prepaid Seats
SCENARIO : ACME wants to allow administrators to "purchase" multiple seats in an offering for a partner
+ User Purchasing Assistant + Class Slots
- Admins use Purchasing Assistant to charge a number of seats to an organization account code
- LMS creates slot(s) for an offering using the order ticket number generated by the Purchasing Assistant
+ View from class -> Slots :
+ Admin can register a user into a slot (set price =0)
+ User who is member of the slot organization can self register:
- User seems prompt for Use Order Ticket
- User must know exact order ticket number
+ Supervisor can select from slot dropdown
8.1.2. Check / Edit Order Status Admin Can Check Orders Admin Changes Order Status Order Status AFTER Recording Event
Commerce -> Order Management -> View Order Details
Admin View of transaction after learning event is recorded
Status = Fullfilled
Any change requires a refund
8.1.3. Managing Refunds Create a Refund BEFORE History Enter a Chargeback Adjustment
SCENARIO: Learning History is recorded and the offering is closed. Then an admin is informed that one user should get a partial refund.
1. Type Chargeback Adjustment in power Search bar and select offering.
2. View and Edit users with history for this offering:
3. Edit the amounts and proceed through the wizard. Search for Transactions
8.1.4. Reporting on Financial Data Extract for Financial data
+ Customers may want an extract that runs daily and uploads to FTP site
+ Extract in custom based on customer requirements
+ SAP Data Services is the tool used:
- Implementation team conducts workshop(s) to identify database tables/fields and file output
- Check Data Dictionary and Database Changes zip file in SAP Marketplace -> Learning Requirements for Custom Reporting
Sample requirements document iwth database table/fields Sample Custom Reports
9.1. Bookmarking a Purchase Order
Follow this procedure to bookmark a purchase order in your Bookmarks tab. After you bookmark the purchase order, you can access the record quickly from the Bookmarks tab.
To bookmark a record, it must be a primary record type, like users, learning items, or classes. Primary record types have an Actions menu. Secondary types like Class or Position cannot be bookmarked.

Next Steps
9.2. Copying a Purchase Order
Navigate to Commerce Purchase Orders Actions Copy Copy Purchase Order .
- Enter a new Purchase Order ID number in the New Purchase Order ID field.
- Check the Copy User Data check box to include user data.
- Check the Copy Organization Data check box to include organization data.
- Click the Reset button to clear the New Purchase Order ID field, the Copy User Data check box, and the Copy Organization Data check box if you need to start over.
- Click the Copy button when finished.
9.3. Deleting a Purchase Order
When you delete a purchase order in Admin Commerce Purchase Orders Actions Delete , you remove the purchase order completely from the system. You cannot recover the purchase order. The advantage of deleting a purchase order is that the purchase order no longer takes space in the database. Consider deleting purchase orders when you simply make an mistake: for example, if you add a purchase order that you didn't intend to add.
Alternative to Deleting a Purchase Order: Inactivation
As an alternative to deleting a purchase order, consider making it inactive. When you inactivate a purchase order, you keep its data in place, but remove it from active use. To inactivate a purchase order, clear: Commerce -> Purchase Orders -> Summary -> Active .
When a record is inactive, most of the system does not include that record in searches or reports. Some searches and reports allow administrators to include inactive records. Inactivating (instead of deleting it) hides it from view but keeps it for historical record. Because you cannot restore a deleted record, we recommend that you delete a record only when you make a mistake (for example, if the record ID is simply incorrect).
Inactive users still count against the Max Headcount and Total FTE fields in a shared position. Administrators are warned but not prevented from exceeding max headcount and max FTE. Max Headcount and Total FTE are part of Plateau Legacy products.
SAP SuccessFactors Learning
LMS Commerce; Commerce functionality in LMS; Currency; Purchase Order; Subscriptions; Cancellation Policy; Refunds; Coupons , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-COM , Commerce , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , How To
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