- The data files of the hdbuserstore on Linux/Unix are sometimes (depending on the installer) world-readable (file permissions644, -rw-r--r--).
Affected files are "SSFS_HDB.DAT" and "SSFS_HDB.KEY".
By default these files are protected by the directory privileges which are set to 700 (drwx------).
That means, only the owner of the directory can access theses files – independent of the broader file permission. - Depending on installers, system configuration, and directory permissions, the directory and the files may get world-readable.
That means a local user on the operating system could use the data files content and gain unauthorized access to the HANA DB.
- hdbuserstore
- SQL client
SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition
security, hdbclient, SQLclient, userstore, password, SSFS_HDB.KEY, SSFS_HDB.DAT,Check file permissions for SAP HANA client hdbuserstore on application server, data files, hdbuserstore , Secure Storage in File System (AS ABAP), file permissions644 , KBA , HAN-DB-CLI , SAP HANA Clients (JDBC, ODBC) , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , Problem
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