You have a configured order in your SAP ECC (S/4) system and you send it to your SCM system, but if you display the order in your SCM system, e.g. via Transaction /SAPAPO/RRP3, then no configuration is displayed at all (green or gray triangle) or you get a syfail error during the activation of your integrationmodel
SAP ECC (S/4) system with SAP APO release 702 (SCM 7 Ehp2), 713 (SCM 7 Ehp3) and 714 (SCM 7 Ehp4).
Sales order, configration, lost, SCM, APO, 702, 713, 714, CIF, SCM on ECC, CIF, transfer, change, creation, orders, Ehp 2, Ehp 3, Ehp 4, Ehp2, Ehp3, Ehp4, 7.02, 7.13, 7.14, upgrade, no display, not shown, not transferred, /SAPAPO/MC01409, classification, self-referenced, configurable product, /SAPAPO/CIF_PROD_INBOUND, DETERMIN_UNIQUE_CLASS_FOR_MAT, /SAPAPO/LMC01_C01F14, cfm1, cfm2, cfm3, RIMODAC2, change, CIF_CONFIG_CBASE_OUTBOUND, NDPLG_APO_00004051_CBASE, CO01S, CO02S, Purchase Requisitions, characteristics, EBAN, NDPLG_APO_001_00004050_CU_CLFN, ME52N , KBA , SCM-APO-INT-CON , Configuration , SCM-APO-INT-SLS , Sales , SCM-APO-INT-PUR , Purchasing / Purch. Req. and Order, Transfer Order , SCM-APO-CA-CDP , Characteristics-dependent Planning , SCM-APO-CA-VC , Variant Configuration , SCM-APO-INT-CON-CDP , Configuration CDP , SCM-APO-INT-CON-VC , Variant Configuration , SCM-APO-MD-CL , Classes and Characteristics , SCM-APO-INT-MD-CLC , Classes and Characteristics , Problem
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