SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2417301 - How to configure the Job Alerts Expired Notification - Recruiting Management


  • How to schedule the Job Alert expiration email to be sent before the expiration date?
  • How does the Job Alert Expiration Days field work?

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SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management


Steps to configure the Job Alert Expired Notification email trigger:

  1. Go to Admin Center > Recruiting Email Triggers
  2. Look for the "Job Alert Expired notifcation" and select the approriate template
  3. Click on enable
  4. Setup the "Number of days prior to expiration that an email is sent for Job Alerts expiring"



  • Note: If no value is specified in the Job Alert Expiration Days field, by default it considers 180 days from last modified date of the alert. When this number of days is configured the system takes (180 - <configured days>) to calculate the date for the mail to be sent.
  • So if you want the notification sent at 180 days please specify "0" in the Job Alert Expiration days field, if you want it sent 60 days after last modified date then configure "120" in the Job Alert Expiration days field.


job, alert, expired, email, notification, trigger, days, trigger , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-EML , Recruiting Emails and Notifications , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions