During an upgrade using the Software Update Manager (SUM), an error occurs in phase PREP_PRE_CHECK/SPAMCHK_INI!
SUM reports the error as :
Last error code set: RFC error system RI1 nr 20 function 'OCS_API_GET_SPAM_VERSION' failed with code 3 key SYNTAX_ERROR: Syntax error in program SAPLOCS_API
ST22 Dump is generated:
Category ABAP Programming Error
Runtime Errors SYNTAX_ERROR
Application Component BC-UPG-OCS
Date and Time 01/18/2017 21:51:42
|Short Text |
| Syntax error in program "SAPLOCS_API ". |
|What happened? |
| Error in the ABAP Application Program |
| |
| The current ABAP program "SAPMSSY1" had to be terminated because it has |
| come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed. |
| In include "LOCS_APIU41 ", in line 29 of program |
| "SAPLOCS_API ", the following syntax errors |
| have occurred: |
| FORM "APPEND_MESSAGE" does not exist |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Author and last person to change the include are: |
| Author SAP |
| Last changed by "SAP " |
- SAP NetWeaver ABAP
- Software Update Manager (SUM)
Spam, SUM, Software Update Manager, ABAP, SAPLOCS_API, PREP_PRE_CHECK/SPAMCHK_INI, RFC error, nr 20 function, OCS_API_GET_SPAM_VERSION, failed with code 3 key, SYNTAX_ERROR, Syntax error in program SAPLOCS_API, FORM "APPEND_MESSAGE" does not exist , KBA , BC-UPG-OCS , Online Corr. Support (Tools:Supp.-Pack., Addon Install/Upgr) , Problem
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